Issues & Positions

Mouseover “Issues & Positions” on the main website menu at the very top of the page to select from the drop-down menu.

Everything stated here is prefaced with “in my opinion.”

Real leaders don’t wait on poll results or party approval to speak out, advocate and organize. Leadership stands up, proclaims and inspires.
Minor grammatical and clarity changes have been made since original post dates:
Needle Exchange, 11/2/13
Homelessness, 11/2/13
Political Parties, 11/4/13
Public Safety, 11/4/13
Leash Laws, 11/7/13
Leadership, 11/18/13
Desal, 12/8/13
Transportation, 12/8/13
UCSC Expansion, 12/8/13
Property Rights, 12/16/13
Affordable Housing, 12/17/13
Local Economy, 12/17/13
Agriculture, 12/19/13
Redistribution Of Wealth, 12/20/13
Drugs, 12/28/13
Environment, 1/12/14
Social Services, 1/15/14
Logging, 1/18/14
Activism, 2/21/14
Abuse Of Power, 4/20/14
Transparency, 4/20/14
Local Application Of Values, 4/20/14
Platform, 4/20/14
Bob Lamonica 2014, 12/2/13
How Come?, 2/2/14  

30+ years activist. Independent. I was waiting in the wings.
I just didn’t know it until October 19, 2013.

Vote Bob for Supe June 3

Bob Lamonica for Supervisor 2014. FPPC# 1361998.